Our accounts package Carys Accounts(TM) provides flexibility and ease of use. It was designed originally for busy Farmers, Growers and Landowners. But is now used in a variety of industries. The program was written to provide Management information and ease of use as well as data for taxation purposes.
Invoices look like invoices as opposed to rows of lines in a spreadsheet.
Invoices are customizable in your own style with your own logo. Use your invoice to promote your business.
Monitor and control outstanding Debtors; impossible using just a word processor. Outstanding debtors easily become out of control.
Coding is allowed by Enterprise and by Year of production or Batch number in a manufacturing environment.
Reconciliation is simple and easy to use. Transactions can be ordered by value or date allowing you to find any anomalies easily. Major products hit the wall when used in the horticultural or agricultural industry. They are very difficult to use when reconciling every transaction.
Carys Accounts can be used to monitor an existing Cashflow forecast. Nip problems in the bud before they become out of control.
Provides management information such as Gross Margins and Analysis of Fixed costs as well as information for taxation purposes.
Contras allowed. Many major systems cannot do contras.
Minimal Training is required. This system can be run by anyone reasonably competent in book keeping especially busy owners. We will provide access to our demonstration system on the web or with a DVD
On Line support and training is offered using the latest technology.
Intuitive Coding allowed. The analysis of accounts is driven by the management codes set up by the business owner. These codes can be simple and intuitive. No cryptic account numbers needed. Accountancy Fees may be coded as ACC not 7351A. These codes are accessed by Popups and List Boxes so that data entry is pleasurable.
Flexibility to amend coding on an invoice. If an item has been misallocated to an enterprise, it may be amended. This shows why our system beats the standard accounting packages which are only interested in accounts for taxation purposes. Our product is designed for management information first, taxation information second. Due to our powerful database, the financial content of individual records can be locked, but the physical information such as year or batch no can be amended.
No posting process is necessary. Once a transaction has gone through the bank, (actioned by entering a statement date on the transaction) is reconciled or registered with VAT the transaction is simply locked and is unalterable.
- Easy to use. No expensive training required. The system is based on record keeping books such as the NFU record book, but with the power of computing to make the task pleasurable.
Contact Information
You can reach us at 01494 765846. or FAX 01494 765846
Postal address 115 Chessfield Park, Little Chalfont, Amersham BUCKS, HP6 6RX, England
Electronic mail